Friday, January 27, 2017

Week in Review--100th Day of School!


In reading this week, we learning all about the strategy “Main Idea and Key Details”. Recognizing the main idea in a text is a necessary component to reading comprehension. If a reader is unable to identify the main idea of a selection, they will most likely be lost sorting through the details and trying to makes sense of it all. The strategy of Using the Main Idea and Supporting Details to Determine Importance requires a ot of modeling and practice. Providing parents with a resource to help support their child is just one more way to increase a reader's understanding of the strategy. It gives parents an opportunity to reinforce skills taught in school and provides more practice for the child, which we all know is essential in reading instruction

To kick off our learning of this week’s word families (that’s right we now have TWO word families), we watched a video that had us reading and learning new words that end with the -un and -ub sounds. We built words in both families, we went on a word hunt where we chopped the sounds up in the word and found it in a pile of other -un and -ub words and we practiced rhyming with all of the words in each family.

Our vocabulary words this week went with the story Duck and Goose. We loved learning all about the words notice, snooze, confusion, webbed, attention and apologize.

Our new sight words: they, where

**Be sure to keep the white sight word cards from week to week and continue to practice all of them as new ones are sent home every week.

Our Poem of the Week:

iPad Fun:

  • Pebble Go/Draw & Tell: We used two of our favorite apps this week to learn and tell about Polar Animals. We watched, listened and read about a polar animal of our choosing using the website Pebble Go and then drew and told something we learned about that animal using the app Draw and Tell. After completing the assignment, we saved our stories and uploaded them to Google Classroom!
  • Sky Write: We practiced reading and writing words in our H brothers word families using the app Sky Write.
  • Reading Eggs/QR Books: Third round all students completed lessons in Reading Eggs and/or listened to stories on “tape” using QR codes inside picture books.

  • Book Creator: This week students used the app Book Creator on their own by adding a journal entry of the activity number of the day! We have been doing number of the day as a whole class since the first week of school and they are now experts and are able to do this on their own! They rolled a dice to find their number, wrote the number, the number word, drew the dice, tally marks, number of shapes and number line! They finished the activity by recording their voice explaining their thinking and what they did with the number of the day.
  • QR Code Subtraction + Doodle Buddy: We scanned a QR code that showed a specific subtraction problem and then wrote and solved that problem using the app Doodle Buddy!


Writer’s Workshop this week, was continuing to focus on informative writing. We kept on working on the planning page and became quite the experts at filling it out with our ideas. We finished the week by learning how to transfer our thoughts and writings from the planning page to the actual book! We just started this at the end of the week and will continue to learn and practice doing this next week.


Math this week we learned all about the vocabulary term hundred. We were introduced to the this work on our 100th day of school and continued to work with the number all week. We learned that when 100 cubes are put together in groups of ten, they make a hundred block!

We also continued to practice with subtraction using our new rekenreks, a floor number line and more! We are becoming rock-stars with subtraction!


This week was all about the 100th day of school!
  • Monday--We celebrated our 100th day of school by starting the day off with a 100’s day hat, played “Would you Rather” with 100 themed items, went on a 100 words hunt around our classroom, learned our poem that ended up having 100 letters in it, wrote a sentence about something we would do when we are 100 that went along with a picture of us as 100 years old, added 100 gumballs to a gumball machine, sorted 10 different snacks into 10 pieces to have 100 pieces of snack and read several books about the number 100.
  • Tuesday--We added 101 spots to a dalmatian dog.
  • Wednesday--We added more words to our 100 words book.
  • Thursday--We continued to add words to our 100 words book.
  • Friday--We went on a QR code hunt around our room scanning and finding various numbers and coloring them in on a hundred chart page to reveal a surprise picture! *Hint it was the number 100 ;).

Social Emotional Learning (SEL):
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This week’s SEL focus was continuing our learning about FAIRNESS. We started the week off by reading the story It’s Not Fair and discussing what it means to be fair with our fairness poster. The next day, we watched a video story about an elephant, giraffe and hare in a zoo and how they thought their food portions weren’t fair but at the end of the book they realized that fair is not equal. Elephant needs a lot more food than the other two and they ended up keeping their own amount. We finished the week by sorting scenarios into something that is fair or something that is equal. We learned that there are sometimes where things might be equal with one another and other times that might be fair which means someone might be getting something or is able to do something we aren’t and that is okay because it is most likely something that will help them be successful.

A few discussion questions to talk with your child at home about this topic:
-What is something you are able to do that maybe a brother or sister is not?
-What is something that is the same for everyone?
-What does it mean to be fair?  

Have your child count as high as they can! The goal by the end of kindergarten is to 100, and if your child can already count to 100...have them count even higher, count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s!

Next Week:
  • In reading we will focus on “Tell a Connected Story”.
  • In writing we will continue to write Information Writing.
  • In math we will work on tens and ones!
  • Our theme next week is all about penguins!

Important Dates/Information:
**Go to our classroom webpage if you want to see important dates on a calendar! I will update this classroom calendar as dates and events come about.

  • 2/9--Parent University--Family STEM night! 5:45-7:30PM
  • 2/20--President’s Day NO SCHOOL (make-up snow day if needed)
  • 3/3--Movie Night K-2
  • 3/10--End of 3rd Nine Weeks
  • 3/13-3/17--Parent Teacher Conferences
  • 3/27-3/31--Spring Break NO SCHOOL